Novec 7300
Novec 7300 fluid is a clear, colorless, odorless fluid that has utility in a wide variety of applications, including heat transfer, lubricant deposition, electronic testing and cleaning applications. A nonflammable, segregated hydrofluoroether, Novec 7300 fluid is low in toxicity, non-ozone depleting and has low global warming potential.
Application Guide Features and Benefits
• Clear, colorless, odorless fluid
• Non-flammable
• Low in toxicity
• Non-ozone depleting
• Low Global Warming Potential (GWP)
Application Guide Features and Benefits
• Clear, colorless, odorless fluid
• Non-flammable
• Low in toxicity
• Non-ozone depleting
• Low Global Warming Potential (GWP)


Novec 7300 ()
n° Produit
Nom Produit
N° Domaine Domaine
Produits Connexes
CONNEXESN° ONU : Non Réglementé
N° ENECS : 459-520-5
N° CAS : 132182-92-4
N° REACH : 1-0000019452-72-0000
Nettoyage de précision
Solvants pour phase vapeur
HFE (hydro - Fluorés)